
Sunday 19 February 2012

Another finish

A busy couple of weeks for me, and for once it doesn’t involve work!  At the start of this year I decided that I really needed to be making more of an effort to do something when I finish work, not just come home and vegetate in front of the TV.  So in the last few weeks I have been for a meal after work twice, have taken my Mum to Bingo once a week (and we’ve even had a couple of small wins) and have been to the cinema three times, which is something I’ve always enjoyed doing but Phill has trouble sitting still for a couple of hours so we rarely go.
I must say that I do feel a lot better in myself for making the effort and plan on adding more activities to my routine as the weeks go on.
The only down side to this is that there has been less stitching time for me, but I do have a small finish to share with you.  I actually finished it on Valentine’s Day, which is quite appropriate because the design is called Hearts in a Square, designed by Claire.  Pop along to her blog for a copy of the chart, and another couple of lovely designs she has created.
I am hoping to use this design as part of a cover for my Kindle – again if you look at Claire’s blog post here you will see the stunning cover Claire’s daughter Lindashee made for her birthday.

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