
Sunday 27 January 2008

So close to a Happy Dance

Yesterday I felt like I was coming down with a cold, and I really can't afford to be getting ill at the moment, it's just too busy in work as Boss has just come back from a two week holiday in the Carribean and is well rested and raring to get to work.

So I decided that I would stay inside, keep warm, watch some DVDs and get loads of stitching done. It seemed to do the trick because this morning I feel a whole lot better.

I got loads done on Mystery 8 and I'm very nearly done with the stitching, I have two more trees left to stitch on the outside edge and then I can move on to finishing the beading. As for the DVDs, my favourite stitching DVDs are the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I've watched them so many times I can almost recite the script LOL, so I know just the right times to look up and watch, usually when Viggo Mortensen is on screen LOL.

This morning I have some housework to do, mostly washing/ironing but should get a few hours to myself later on this afternoon.


Stitchingranny said...

Thank you for the comments you left on my blog Sandra, and through them I have found yours lol.

I have been looking through at some of your work and there are some lovely things there but have fell in love with the mystery you are doing; its stunning.

Mylene said...

Hope you feel much better today.