
Friday 1 December 2006

Hooray for Friday!?

I have a love/hate relationship with Fridays. I love them because it's the last working day of the week. I hate them because Friday evening is when we do our weekly shop and fighting around Tesco on a Friday evening three weeks from Christmas isn't my idea of fun! I'd love to get all our grocery shopping online, but we take Phill's mum with us and she enjoys the routine of us going there, having a cuppa, taking her shopping, helping her unpack, having another cuppa and just generally spending some time together.

So no stitching for me tonight because I got home late from work (well to be honest, we went to the pub!) and we didn't get home from Tesco until nearly 9.30pm. I just couldn't get my eyes to concentrate and knew that if I tried too hard I would only end up making mistakes so I didn't bother.

I made some good progress on Celtic Quilt last night though, and will post another pic over the weekend.

Tomorrow I'm going to the framers to drop in the 50th Wedding Anniversay gift for my mother and to pick up An Open Heart by The Drawn Thread which I took in last week. I'm very excited and nervous becuase this is the first time I've tried this framer, but they came recommended so fingers crossed that they've done a good job.

1 comment:

Stitchingranny said...

We usually do our shopping on a Thursday night so the weekend is clear. I take my Mum on Wednesday afternoon but trying to do any for myself is almost impossible when I am trying to sort her out lol.

Look forward to seeing a picture of your current work.